Student discoveries

Matthew Warren
Major: Animal science
Anticipated graduation year: 2014
Hometown: Lemoore, Calif.
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “I knew that I wanted to do research and UC Davis caught my attention when I was looking for potential universities because of its prestige in research. After I transferred to UC Davis in fall 2011, some of my dreams became reality when I was getting a lifetime of experience of working hands-on with animals and in laboratory settings. The people I meet at UC Davis make my life as a student more fulfilling because I enjoy learning about where people come from and how they got to where they are at.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis – what marks have you made or changes that you hope will continue? “I hope that the club, Multiculturalism in Agriculture, Natural Resources and Related Science (MANRRS) continues to grow after I graduate. I was one of the two pioneering students who brought MANRRS back to UC Davis and it is one of the most important aspects of growth for me as a student. It taught me many of the professional skills I use today and it gave me a plethora of reasons to have challenging aspirations to give me reasons to continue growing as a person and as a scientist.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “The first person who made an impact on my life through research is Kirk Klasing. He is a wonderful mentor to me and has given me opportunities to explore research through many means like asking questions and performing experiments to try to answer those questions. The second person who enhanced my life is Annie J. King. I met her after I transferred to UC Davis and I inquired about MANRRS because she was the advisor. King is a magnificent mentor and she has been an integral part of my growth at UC Davis.