Energy, passion, influence

Toni Alejandria
Major: Dramatic art (dance) and global and international relations
Graduation year: 2008
Toni Alejandria thinks big — there are infinite possibilities for incredible ideas, she believes.
A top Aggie alumni booster, she is the co-founder of Complement, a San Francisco startup that connects innovators and ideas to investors, entrepreneurs, and specialists while sharing their stories. She is also Events Lead at Crowdtilt, a group-funding platform that allows users to establish fundraising campaigns.
Alejandria’s own personal website describes her as “just a girl with the energy and passion to influence the world.”
She displayed all that energy and passion in her undergraduate studies, graduating in 2008 with a bachelor’s degree in dramatic art (dance) and global and international studies. A Cal Aggie Alumni Association life member ever since, she was recognized for volunteer engagement and leadership at the organization’s Chapter and Network Leadership Conference in 2011.
An advocate for the less fortunate, better community health and poverty alleviation, Alejandria volunteers for HackCancer and Groundwork Opportunities.