Absolutely phenomenal

Elsie Fullerton
Major: Genetics
Sport: Women’s water polo
Anticipated graduation year: 2014
Hometown: Davis, Calif.
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “The people at UC Davis are the reason that I ended up here. In high school I imagined myself traveling far away to attend college — but despite what I thought I wanted I ended up falling in love with UC Davis on my official visit to campus. I loved the team and the school atmosphere, and I felt tremendous loyalty to my would-be coach Jamey Wright.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis – what marks have you made or changes that you hope will continue? “I hope that during my time here I serve to reinforce UC Davis’ unique student athlete perspective. I hope I can add to the tradition of hard work in both athletic and academic realms so prevalent here.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “I am constantly inspired at UC Davis. Professors, coaches, researchers, advisors, TAs and fellow students have all contributed to my life goals and growth as a person. I recently took a summer class for the first time and my physics TA, Armela Keqi, was absolutely phenomenal. Coming in to the class I had very little love for the subject. Armela changed that.”