Boosting confidence

Mani Tripathi and Sarah El-Jurf
Sarah El-Jurf, an undergraduate student in applied physics, studied under Mani Tripathi, professor of physics, a 2013 winner of the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring Undergraduate Research.
“He goes out of his way to help his students in every possible way, boosting their confidence and prospects in their academic and professional lives,” said Sarah El-Jurf.
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “I chose UC Davis first and foremost because of the excellent physics department it has. The faculty and students form a tight-knit family that encourages undergraduates to not only seek out assistance and research opportunities, but also encourages them to give back to others by tutoring or participating in outreach programs. The UC Davis physics department does a great job of taking care of its own as well as others.”
What is the best experience you have had here that you could share with us — something that happened to you uniquely because of your ties to UC Davis? “One of the best experiences I've had was taking part in the Nuclear Science and Security Consortium Summer School in Nuclear Analytical Techniques held at UC Davis this past summer. Visiting the McClellan Nuclear Research Center in particular stands out as the most memorable experience I’ve had so far. Being able to look down a 23-foot tank at a glowing reactor yards from an airbase is an experience not many people can say they've had.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis — what marks have you made or changes that you hope will continue? “I hope to have a positive impact on changing people’s perception of women in science. I want people to see women as playing an equally integral part in the physical sciences. I want to inspire female students to go up against the odds they face from family, culture, and society and feel confident enough about their abilities to pursue careers in science.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “The one person that stands out the most is Mani Tripathi. In working with him, I am privy to the latest research in particle physics. He goes out of his way to help his students in every possible way, boosting their confidence and prospects in their academic and professional lives.”