Talk, listen, understand

Cris Breivik
Position: Academic counselor
Unit: College of Letters and Science, Dean’s Office
Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “Our students seem a little happier, our faculty a little more invested in helping students thrive, and a staff that continues to go the extra mile to meet student needs. I’m always proud to talk about our campus and what makes us extraordinary.”
What is your best experience on campus? “The best experiences were those where a students’ challenges seemed insurmountable and we were able to develop a strategy to allow them to complete their degree.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis? “I hope my legacy will be that students and colleagues with whom I have worked will all know how much I value them and have strived to help them know how valuable they are in the world.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “Leslie Campbell was an associate director in the Undergraduate Admissions office. Our role in her unit was to encourage students of historically underrepresented groups to come to UC Davis. In Leslie, I knew a person who greeted everyone with the same openness, caring and love regardless of background, culture or gender. She was tireless in her efforts to build communities within and without the campus. I learned so much from her.”