Winning attitude

Robert Loessberg-Zahl
Position: Director of Institutional Analysis
Unit: Administrative and Resource Management
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “It is ‘one’ staff partnering with faculty and student and helping UC Davis be the best in the world for learning, discovery and service.”
What is the best experience you have had here that you could share with us – something that happened to you uniquely because of your ties to UC Davis? “I remember a time early in my career when a former faculty member encouraged me to ‘get out more.’ So I attended a noontime seminar on African American film, and participated in the wonderful spirited discussion that followed screening of a guest faculty member’s research. Ever since, I have made time to participate in campus academic life in some way. Wherever we may work on campus, there are marvelous treasures of the mind and spirit just around the corner. May we never fail to engage them — and be amazed.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis – what marks have you made or changes that you hope will continue? “Nothing I have accomplished here of any significant value has happened without collaboration and an honest, transparent exchange of sometimes strongly contradictory views. I hope what continues are transparent administrative processes where everyone sees that their perspective is valued; an understanding that departmental resources are university resources—and best deployed with a little less concern for how my department wins and a little more concern for what can we do together so that UC Davis wins; and above all—an ethic of service in the interest of advancing the academic mission.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “University Registrar Elias Lopez, because he is a master at the craft of team and partnership. When the path to success is obscured by conflicting interests, Elias will find a way — always. When I grow up, I want to be just like him!”