Follow your bliss

Yolanda Franklin
Major: Animal biology
Year of anticipated graduation: 2014
Hometown: Detroit, Mich.
Why is UC Davis the one for you? “It has given me the opportunity to grow as a person, both intellectually and personally. For example, I served as a volunteer member on the Chancellor’s Blue Ribbon Committee for 2012-2013. Created by Chancellor Linda P. B. Katehi with the objective to enhance the undergraduate student experience, I collaborated with key personnel from various campus departments, such as administrative and advising staff, faculty professors and lecturers, fellow undergraduate students and peer counselors.”
What do you hope to be your legacy here at UC Davis – what marks have you made or changes that you hope will continue? “My legacy is achievement despite all odds. I hope to inspire other re-entry students from underrepresented populations who are survivors of hardship and adversity by paving the way for their successful pursuit of world-class education. My involvement in student organizations, programs, clubs and internships as well as volunteer participation in strategic committees is an effort that I hope future students will continue to benefit from.”
Tell us about one person at UC Davis who has enhanced your life or your work? “Vice Chancellor Adela de la Torre. Having worked closely with her on the Chancellor’s Blue Ribbon Committee, I gained a deeper appreciation for her commitment to student academic, extra-curricular, cross-cultural, social and overall success. She is a tremendous resource to all students and literally connected with me on a personal level. When I came to her with an academic research concern, she didn't hesitate to investigate into appropriate steps that would lead to a solution.”